Saturday, December 20, 2014
Out-Sider Mayors Are WORST -LOOT and Leave Messes
Why does DNC always send a get-rich-quick outsider to be big city mayor and always from "out-of-state"?
Short Answer:Denver to host Democratic Convention, The Brian Lehrer Show: Son of Bedoin Assn(SBA) to DNC: "NYC Isn't Safe" - Y-deHell-AmI-INYC (WNYC), Why Simon Rosenberg Should NOT be DNC Chair? Dunno-Streak of decency? Just saying...Democrats look to unions for convention fundraising,Why Polls Still Show Democrats With Higher Marks Than ...SATAN? They BAD...Who thinks Obama is a product of the corrupt Illinois? People who can STILL think...Everybody knows that CAN know.Bad bloggers and the State-level DNC,
Why Many Conservative People Can’t see What’s Wrong. Dunno...they wear their dark sunglasses at night?Dems Busing in Crowds to Fill Stadium for Obama's Bam needs a crowd. Help! Choose DC's delegates to the Democratic convention, Delegates boo adding “God” and “Jerusalem” back to the Democratic platform-Sept 8,2012-Many didn’t find it too surprising that Democrats decided to remove references to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to God. The really shocking part was later when the DNC leaders attempted to put it back in, encountering BOOS from their delegates before cramming the references to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to God back into the Democrat platform. If you didn’t think the Democrats were scared before – you won’t believe what they did on September 7, 2012!
The DNC Chairman/Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa in 2012 conducted a voice vote of the delegates on the proposed platform changes, asking for yeses and nos three times because the responses sounded similar. A two-thirds vote was required to adopt the change. In spite of apparently dominant athiests' clear opposition, Villaraigosa declared the amendment had passed, prompting very loud angry booing.
The changes put back language from the 2008 platform that stated “we need a government that stands up for the 1) hopes, values and interests of working people and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their 2) God-given potential” and of 3) Jerusalem, “it is and will remain the capital of Israel.”(1)
The booing could not have been about the word GOVERNMENT, how about 1) "hopes,values and interests of WORKING PEOPLE"? DID
THAT string of SEVEN words set off the wild and crazy BOOING?
Or was it 2) "God-given potential” and of 3)Jerusalem, “it is and will remain the capital of Israel.”
Democrat and GOP Athiests do not like "GOD" and want Him EID'd,DCd, and booted out of Christmas.
Israel haters do not like JERUSALEM and want it all Arab, the Jews driven into Mediterranean, and BONES of Jews dug up and thrown into the Mediterranean Sea.
"driven into Mediterranean Sea" implied killed and/or live fed to fish and it is long written since 800 AD or so that Arabs want Jew BONES dug up and thrown into the Mediterranean Sea.
“The DNC leaders like L.A. Mayor DNC chairman Antonio Villaraigosa in 2012 expected their people to just go along. They did not mindlessly just go along since about half of them, the good, decent common sense Democrats, half of them said, yes, put that "hopes, values and interests of working people- God and Jerusalem back in. The other half, the militant half, said "NO WAY do we want THAT STUFF back in".
Apparently the militant half just went along to get along despite values, God, and Jerusalem being in the Democrat National Committee platform.
WHAT exactly is a Democrat? Political science says that structurally in the Democratic Party power flows upward like an "up" flushing toilet.
That is a good anology considering the people the DNC dredges off the bottom layer of life - to run for president.
But in the Republican Party power is said to flow downward. The second is an attitude factor as Republicans generally see themselves as insiders even when they are out of power and Democrats perceive themselves as outsiders even when they are in power. A leftist was heard to exclaim as US military jets flew overhead at Bill Clinton's POTUS inaugural in 1992,"Those are OUR planes now!"
Before that,in Ronald Reagan's acceptance speech at the 1984 Republican Convention he declared that the Democrats' "government sees people only as a members of groups. Ours serves all the people of America as individuals."
Intended as a stinging criticism of the Democrats, and they would cry, whail and moan that it is inaccurate, it does explain an essential difference between the two parties.
This does not necessarily apply to Democrat and GOP governments.
In a general population when power flows downward, separate and distinct internal groups are potentially dangerous, giving focus to the development of competing loyalties and competing leadership.
This is why the GOP Establishment hates and tries to breakup, minimize and infiltrate the Tea Parties. German sociologist Robert Michels in his 1911 book, Political Parties mentioned that in a representative democracy, "It is organization which gives birth to the dominion of the elected over the electors, of the mandataries over the mandators, of the delegates over the delegators. Who says organization, says oligarchy." (4)
This is why America has a representative republic as famously described by founding father, Benjamin Franklin.
But for upward power flow, it must go through some mechanism. Divided and with blanket condemnation as racists, unorganized individuals without institutional authority or financial resources cannot exercise power. They must organize into groups like the Tea Party of Locality in order to develop an agenda and act collectively in order to effect that agenda or platform PLANK. It is the organization that creates concetrated collective power and the mechanism by which followers influence their leaders.
As the Democrat Party, being composed of constituencies which identify themselves as having a defining characteristic creating a common agenda. Each feels the DNC must respond to their PLANK. Most of these groups exist in an organized form independent of the DNC and attempts to "do" its plank or ideology on the elected officials of both parties. Essentially they do not care if a GOP leader responds to them, they will still vote Democrat. They are thus recognized by Democrat Party officials as representing the interests of important blocs of voters which the DNC should but may not respond to as a political party. Some groups like blacks and labor have been recognized parts of the Democrat coalition since the FDR's New Deal of the late 1930s and 1940s while others are relatively newcomers like women and gays. Others that played a small part in State and local Democratic politics have not been active as organized groups in the DNC on the national level such as ethnics factions. This readily explains the lack of truth, justice and the American way exhibited and exemplified by the Democrat broken promises and Republicans throwing their GOP principals "under the bus" in order to "cave in" for crumbs the Democrats will toss them. Over 40 years of "Go along to get along" gave rise to the mythical "Bob Dole Butte Kissing Lipstick" that in recent years may be perceived as sold by the gross since people like Olympia Snowe and
Democrats LOVE TO SAY that Republican "attacks on social programs were viewed as being aimed at poor" when it is apparently only the GOP that recalls that the GOP voted FOR civil rights with Democrat filibusters and African-Americans formerly owned lots of businesses that have long since been "death taxed" away. Business founders work all their lives to leave a business for the family only to have the family have to SELL THE BUSINESS to pay death taxes.
If people wanted Democrat success in hopelessly changing America for the Bad all would be happy as clams at the Republicans getting prone being collectively laid down. And all would be encouraging Republicans to lay down and support Obama. As a matter of fact, what Democrats are all about is the absorption of as much of the private sector by the US government as possible. These government "octopus tentacles" have grabbed into the banking business, the mortgage industry, the automobile business, and wrapped around health care. Who in his right mind would conceivably want the government in charge of all of these things? The government messes up defense with the FBI trying to catch bombers causing the 1993 World Trade Center blow up at a loss of six lives. The US government messes up travel by train with AmTrack unable to pay for itself no matter how much it charges for scarce tickets. Like wise Post Office soaks up higher and higher postage charges while losing MORE and MORE money of governments' from taxpayers paying more taxes AND always MORE for postage. Who would want government takeover to work? So the correct answer to letters begging for replying in 400 words, What do YOU hope for from Obama?" Understandably, actually and factually-- the CORRECT ANSWER WAS FIVE LITTLE WORDS.
Pick yourself up off the floor, reader! It is NOT outrageous to say. "We HAFTA HOPE Obama FAILS".
Why and why not? Obama has accomplished MUCH DAMAGE, SO what,exactly is unfair about people WANTING liberalism to fail by CRAVING, WORKING, and SLAVING for Obamacare, amnesty, giveaways and other assorted Obamanations to be GONE? Liberalism is a US problem. Liberalism HOW America got so dangerously close to falling into BANKRUPTSY.
Was Obama SORRY when Standard & Poor’s (S&P), a financial standard, announced August 5,2011 that it downgraded the U.S. credit rating for the first time, dealing a symbolic blow to the world’s economic superpower in what had to be a sharply worded critique of the American Democrat political system.(3)
Why do I want more of it? I don't care what the Drive-By story is. I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: Obama's job rating for handling race relations declines - TO BELOW ZERO. Nobody EVER expected ANY PART of a job rating to go BELOW ZERO. Another Obama first!
CRONIBUS wordsmith desperately needs but will nevah get -- that BOOT IN THE REAR. perhaps he is a STONER who wants what CRONIBUS search engines up and cannot smoke enough. The rest of us see that as one more nail in America's coffin. The "they are going to do it anyway - why not tax and regulate it crowd" - IS WRONG. Formerly only beatniks and hippies and jazz musicians partook. Nowadays no thanks to lots of stoned FEARLESS LEADER Pres. Obola pictures of his "supposed to be" ill-spent youth of a ne'er-do well -- who "made good" getting everything handed to him on a silver platter. Free foreign student tuition for Barry Soetoro at Plankton High in Oahu, Hawaii to Accidental Traveler College of the Mainline Land to Columbia Gem o de Ocean U. where nobody remembers him to
Haaaahhhhvaaaahhhhrd Law School,where somebody remembers him -- got a free ride. Had a job under his Connecticut SS at Basket Robbers Chocohaulic Heaven in Oahu briefly at 16 for a month or two. Later after grad with some kind of grades from law he worked for a time allegedly at a CIA front organization as his mum proported, profitably and allegedly did.
Although it is a "good line of BS (Bravo Sierra) to say one "gotta be honest" the sayer seldom is being honest about anything unless "spilling the beans" about the U.S. Senate being full o' punks. Even John (No-way-in-hell-I'm-a-gonna-give-up-MY-senate-seat-to-run-for-POTUS)McCain agreed whole or half-heartedly - with the Alfred E. Neuman Democrat Fund Raiser Dinner jocular banter (trujive) of O-man former S-Man, himself.
On a darker subject...the US National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Ohio-based Kent State University a $300,000 grant to study public responses to disaster warnings and alerts across social media. Where's the LINE to get PAID to use blogs, forums, microblogging, pod (I-am-a god) casts, stop-a-clock image sharing sites, videos, and social bookmaking er bookmarking. Some like is free. Besides the obvious are,Google+, Hi5
Pinterest, Orkut not for people from Ork, Badoo, and MySpace.
Self-esteem is sky-rocketing in schools as grades and test-scores tumble for "the cellar".
There is no one calling themselves,"Obastard". Or even O'Bastard but the "code for it is O-27"!
(2)Michels, Robert. 1915. Political Parties: A Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy. Translated into English by Eden Paul and Cedar Paul. New York: The Free Press. From the 1911 German source.
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