Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow
Tim Tebow Isiah 40:31

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Steal This Info!

We know that,"Who,What,When,Where,How Much?" is a good thing to know because reporters are SUPPOSED to subscribe to these questions in their quest for TRUTH, Justice and the American Way. Sadly, many "reporters" and "journalists" get a tingle up their leg and forget all about WWWW &HM. Perhaps known as the "4 Ws and HMMM" so that our "somewhat slobbering love affair ridden Lame and Pain Stream Media can overcome their apparent Altzheimer's of truth, justice and the American way and SNAP out of it. Sure, you say, they WILL snap out of it along about the 12th...the 12th of Never! Most are so thoroughly eaten up and consumed with the Liberalism Disease that they couldn't see the forest if a tree fell on them.

Guys like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and G.Gordon Liddy and Evan Sayett know very well, this condition. People call them to attack, persuade, or convince them they are wrong.
They see and hear from people on a daily basis who suffer totally unaware and unbeknownst to themselves, from the malady. 这男孩患了某种奇怪的病 Two of these lightning-rod talk show hosts even confess to getting over it personally. Michael (Mike Weiner) Savage, at this time the Number 3 Talk Show Host, awaits justice after being maligned on a United Kingdom British undesirable-to-be-allowed-into-the-UK-country hater list "to balance out Muslim extremists." Why pick on him? Most of people feel that the British former lady now replaced, was "sicced" by some so-called-American liberals or otherwise told to "get" Savage.

Limbaugh is an old hand at being singled out and considers it a high complement or ignores the "slings and arrows" of outrageous liberals. He, unfortunately saw an old dream disappear as a vapor when he was malaigned over a true comment he made about a football player. This
was read as "over the top" leading to his being sidelined, fans feel undeservedly. This was no "nappy" off-base comment. He likewise made no mention of "wenches, bucks, or suckers".
He never made a glib reference to "breeding" or husbandry that a certain TV celebrity made. Instead his was a well-couched serious true-appearing opinion that was quickly declared "RACIST" by thin-skinned detractors although the comments were never meant in that vein. Limbaugh has been known to pull liberals' "chains" a time or two but he loved the announcing football job and would have never have jeopardized it intentionally. After all, to announce football had been his personal goal for several years. Of course, one can venture forth on eggshells (or thin ice) as a tightrope for a while then sooner or later get cut.

As for G. Gordon Liddy, he acknowledged being responsible for the "Watergate Happening" but feels he was scapegoated and thrown to the wolves as a sacrificial lamb, though admittedly he was far from innocent. Fear not Liddy, you served your debt to society but others directly involved will pay when the stand before the Maker. To which Liddy would lift his head and cry out in a loud voice..."Why not here and NOW and not in the hereafter!" Relax, oh folically (bald) deprived one, "We" do not see any of these "co-conspirators" held in high esteem or rewarded
in the here and now...we see them as outcasts but YOU have the last laugh. Not that you enjoy
seeing a temporary liberal triumph due to voters collective "nitwittery".

Do not CONFUSE Liddy with poor Scooter Libby who twisted in the wind for one of those blind, uncaring "reporters", a columnist who did in fact predate and therefore negate the "Libby so-called crime or wrongdoing. Scooter Libby's lawyer even proved in court that the columnist had revealed the "CIA lady employee's identity" weeks before you casually mentioned her at a cocktail party. Little did you know that bringing up her name would bring YOU untold grief. Perhaps you DID know that her husband had smeared the POTUS Bush with "Yellowcake" lies. Thus you allegedly avenged Bush by SQUEALING on "Yellowcake's" wife being CIA. For this you received a judge throwing the book at you and later a belated 2/3 pardon and all the trappings of guilt you had not earned. At no time was the columnist in any danger...the selected
victim was Bush man, Scooter Libby.

At least G. Gordon Liddy earned his penance albeit a bit overwrought and extreme by Liddy's own account of the ordeal. The catchy song "G. Gordon Liddy Show" ballads the tribulations of Liddy, the Talk Show Host, fortuously! The "double tap" statement has since been repeated only in reference to the drumming of fingers on a desk or the like! Nevertheless, Liddy's instance argues for inclusion by being singularly singled out and called jailbird, felon, lawyer, and alleged plotter of "mayheim".

Evan Sayett is a Fellow at the Heritage Foundation by being honored by invitation to join.
The esteemed Evan Sayett gained fame and with it his own unique version of undeniable notoriety and was talked about like a stray rabid dog. A former US military paratrooper as was
famed guitarist Jimi Hendrix, Evan Sayet, makes our shot list. Beginning as a comedy writer for notorious liberal Bill Moyer, Sayett presently hangs his hat with esteemed Heritage Institute members. He gained fame from being uploaded to YouTube giving his very entertaining speech on his background, why he calls himself a "912" person and lombasts Liberals with his one-of-a kind humor and by defining them, describing their unfathomable "logic" that defies sane logic until you have an insight into what "makes them tick". They really and truly do hate America which in part helps us remotely understand their cockeyed way of defining fairness as spreading the misery around. Obama calls this "spreading the wealth." Conservatives refer to this nonsense as communism and know that it has failed miserably with dire consequences every time it is foisted on a population in the name of change, revolution, revolt of the working class or whatever bla-bla-bla name to be applied to the tyranny of elitism. Without personally claiming to be one, Conservatives know and recognize the advanced degenerative stages of Socialism as the scourage of communism. Whatever type, whether Fabian Socialism, Trotsky-ism, or blatant Hillary C style Marxism, or whatever they choose to call it, it is BAD...BAD to the BONE. No smiling faces, no come-hither glances, no tingle up the leg can mask it for very long.

Obama has, regrettably flew headlong and headstrongly, into this. A recession has been
nutured into a Dow-tanking, double digit unemployment, savings-trashing, stockmarket
glutting catastrophie. Obscenely enough, many of these mistakes were avoidable by an experienced caring person at the helm of this ship of State. Do keep your EYE on the smiling man behind the curtain for he has many ideas and promises to break in the name of change and fairness. The strategy is known as manufacturing crisis after crisis until the population is reeling in shock, dismay and disarray. No one can believe that this many things can be tried one after the other despite past failures of the same techniques as used during the terms of Franklin Delano Roosevent. More recently, the Japanese tried stimulus after
stimulus to pull up their own flagging, sagging economy...nothing worked except to make even MORE debt and interest pile up to be paid by the younger generation which must stoically bear this cross of debt that we Americans have put upon them by way of wild-eyed do-gooder politicians trying to "save us from depression" with a depressing, gruesome load of CRUSHING INDEBTEDNESS!