Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow
Tim Tebow Isiah 40:31

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tebow Triumphs

It required only one play in overtime for the Denver Broncos to defeat the Pittsburgh Steelers at Sunday's Super Bowl 46 in Denver, Colorado. When it was all over, the scoreboard read 29-23 in favor of Tim Tebow and the Denver Broncos. It was truly a thriller in the Mile High City so named for its altitude abobe sea level of about 5,280 feet.
Down on the football field, holding his helmet and pointing up toward the heavens, a grateful-to-GOD quarterback named Tim Tebow gave a relieved smile. Tebow Time had struck again, with the aid of an 80-yard pass to wide receiver Demaryius Thomas, long-called a "Hail Mary Pass".

The win over the Pittsburgh Steelers secured a playoff game against the No. 1 ranked New England Patriots in Massachusetts on Saturday, AND the win avalanched, a flock of Twitter kudos for the Broncos’ quarterback. Tim Tebow was an instant top trending hero after the game’s sudden ending termed "sudden death", because unlike basketball, the other team does not have until the end of five minutes to score, it is all over except the crying, wailing and perhaps gnashing of teeth.
In spite of a long-standing refusal to air "political ads" in midst of the Super Bowl, CBS ran an anti-abortion clip starring Heisman Trophy-winning college quarterback Tim Tebow and his mother. In the spot, made by Focus on the Family, Tebow, an outspoken conservative Christian, states his mother had defied her doctor's advice to abort him despite serious concerns about her health and his viability or chances of being born alive. When celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred accused Tebow's mother of lying about the happening, Allred was about to blow a fuse not to mention what was left of her mind. The ballistic, bouncing-off-the-wall outrage over a harmless "Christian, pro-life" ad, says Cassy Fiano in Hot Air, shows just how "completely out of touch" (or mentally deranged) liberals are. I don't care if Tebow's "commercial has a beautiful, undeniable message," says Gregg Doyel in SEE BS Sports. Just don't show it "during the damn Super Bowl." Looks like Tebow put some nutballs over the edge of reality into liberal-land. Did you know that "XERO POPULATION GROWTH" is a New World Order (or ODOR) priority and we wish they would sacrifice themselves and stop promoting baby-killing. You want babies DEAD? Wht not KILL YOURSELF so you will not reproduce? Countries dropping below 1.3 new babies to replace people who DIE, will cease to be the USA, France, and UK because IMMIGRANT births will eclypse theirs and these countries will GO MUSLIM! Sharia Law will replace RIGHTS, Writ of Habias Corpus, etc. This is about as close to HELL ON Earth as we can get.

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